A real old classic - not such a beautiful memory lane moment as Cali's, but most vivid memory for me is of when it was already an oldie and listening to it in a bar in Baden-Baden with a lot of American soldiers! Oh, the tales I could tell....!!!! (But won't!!!!)
This is the soundtrack to my Fresher's Year (1968!) at Liverpool Uni... Rob and I listened to 'Knights in White Satin' innumerable times. Just walked down a beautiful Memory Lane.......thank you!
Chris - where have you been???!!
A real old classic - not such a beautiful memory lane moment as Cali's, but most vivid memory for me is of when it was already an oldie and listening to it in a bar in Baden-Baden with a lot of American soldiers! Oh, the tales I could tell....!!!! (But won't!!!!)
This is the soundtrack to my Fresher's Year (1968!) at Liverpool Uni... Rob and I listened to 'Knights in White Satin' innumerable times. Just walked down a beautiful Memory Lane.......thank you!
That’s amazing - I’ve never heard this before!